What We Do
Facilitating high quality architectural support for your 21 century home and building
We are a team of designing architects and we are specialized in zero energy and passive houses. That’s why we can offer you a variety of support during your house building or reforming process. We would like you to find yourself satisfied with the quality and the comfort of your new home. Meanwhile we are bringing down the energy costs per year and care for a healthy atmosphere within the building. You will be positively surprised about the high building standard of a certified Passive House.
A) New Architectural Projects
Low Energy Houses, Passive Houses, Zero Energy Houses
From the scratch to completion
We design zero energy and passive houses from the scratch, including all necessary documentation, accompanying the complete process of execution with optional certification and professional building hand-out up to the finalization of the whole project.
From the scratch to completion
We design zero energy and passive houses from the scratch, including all necessary documentation, accompanying the complete process of execution with optional certification and professional building hand-out up to the finalization of the whole project.

B) Remodelling and development of existing
projects and designs
Accompanied work on already existing projects
We offer studies on existing designs or projects in order to transform them into passive or zero energy houses, including recommendations on what and how to change, offering as well supervision of the execution and implementation, as well as investigation and planning of details, thermal bridges, infiltrations...
We offer studies on existing designs or projects in order to transform them into passive or zero energy houses, including recommendations on what and how to change, offering as well supervision of the execution and implementation, as well as investigation and planning of details, thermal bridges, infiltrations...

C) Rehabilitation and Architectural consultancy
for existing buildings
Reformation and energy improvement for existing buildings
We offer studies on existing buildings in order to improve the building quality and to bring down the energy costs as well as to improve the interior comfort and health standard of the house. We give you recommendations on what and how to change as well as providing reforming projects and supervision of the execution and implementation.
We offer studies on existing buildings in order to improve the building quality and to bring down the energy costs as well as to improve the interior comfort and health standard of the house. We give you recommendations on what and how to change as well as providing reforming projects and supervision of the execution and implementation.

D) Education and Formation in Passive
House Topics
Presentations and organization of visits to the villa Sol y Viento in Mijas
In order to create a better understanding of the needed changes in the current building industry we provide information about the Passive House Standard and are open to give presentations concerning this topic, including subjects like ventilation systems, airtightness, insulation, smart construction details, the use of renewable energies, improved windows...
The Villa Sol y Viento in Mijas is actually the first officially certified house on the Costa del Sol and is open to be visited. In the case of interest to organize a visit to the house, please get into contact with us. We can also combine this visit with a presentation about the topic Passive House Standard.
In order to create a better understanding of the needed changes in the current building industry we provide information about the Passive House Standard and are open to give presentations concerning this topic, including subjects like ventilation systems, airtightness, insulation, smart construction details, the use of renewable energies, improved windows...
The Villa Sol y Viento in Mijas is actually the first officially certified house on the Costa del Sol and is open to be visited. In the case of interest to organize a visit to the house, please get into contact with us. We can also combine this visit with a presentation about the topic Passive House Standard.
Casa Sol y Viento

E) Execution of airtightness- pressure tests with
Blower Door Equipment
Infiltration tests of new and existing buildings with Blower Door
In order to obtain a well temperated house throughout the year with low energy costs involved it will be necessary to check the infiltrations of the project and the airtightness of the building. In order to be successful we start from the beginning during the planning phase to think in advance of possible leakages in order to prevent them. During the executing phase we do a Blower Door test of the building in order to eliminate problem zones of the building at an early time and, of course, we offer final Blower Door test in order to get the Blower Door certification for the Passive House Standard.
In order to obtain a well temperated house throughout the year with low energy costs involved it will be necessary to check the infiltrations of the project and the airtightness of the building. In order to be successful we start from the beginning during the planning phase to think in advance of possible leakages in order to prevent them. During the executing phase we do a Blower Door test of the building in order to eliminate problem zones of the building at an early time and, of course, we offer final Blower Door test in order to get the Blower Door certification for the Passive House Standard.